HC-030031CAS号: 349085-38-7分子式: C18H21N5O3分子量: 355.39描述纯度储存/保存方法别名外观可溶性/溶解性靶点In vitro(体外研究)In vivo(体内研究)参考文献
产品描述 | |
描述 |
HC-030031是一种选择性的TRPA1通道阻断剂,可以拮抗AITC和formalin引起的钙流入,IC50分别为6.2μM和5.3μM。HC-030031能快速且可逆阻断AITC或Formalin引起的内向和外向电流,也能抑制N-methylmaleimide和Electrophillic前列腺素引起的TRPA1激活。HC-030031不抑制TRPV1, TRPV3, TRPV4 hERG, 或NaV1.2通道介导的电流。 |
纯度 |
储存/保存方法 |
Store at -20℃ for one year(Powder);Store at 2-4℃ for two weeks;Store at -20℃ for six months after dissolution.
基本信息 | |
别名 |
外观 |
可溶性/溶解性 |
DMSO : 35.5 mg/mL (100 mM))
生物活性 | |
靶点 |
In vitro(体外研究) |
HC-030031 is a substituted theophylline derivative. Potent and selective TRPA1 inhibitor. HC-030031 can block both inward and outward currents elicited by AITC or formalin rapidly and reversibly and also blocks the activation of TRPA1 by N-methylmaleimide and by electrophillic prostaglandins. It does not block currents mediated by TRPV1, TRPV3, TRPV4 hERG, or NaV1.2 channels.
In vivo(体内研究) |
HC-030031 can be delivered to animals orally, by inhalation, or by injection. Oral administration (100 mg/kg) of HC-030031 significantly reversed mechanical hypersensitivity in rat models of chronic inflammatory or neuropathic pain, while local injection (100 μg) into inflamed mouse hind paws attenuated mechanical, but not heat, hypersensitivity.
参考文献 | |
参考文献 |
TRPA1 mediates mechanical sensitization in nociceptors during inflammation.
Lennertz RC,et al. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43597. PMID: 22927999. H 䔸Żᩄ 族痛셌Ų 族痛셌Ų Item 褐 Count ๏ 趌๐ 侮靴 ᠠi S ñ ñ 眘⮦眀⮦敲痛๏ࠃ 馸鳘祖Item ƞƞ Count 洣盜᬴叫㺍痭ᠠ靴i 縉 靴蘿敌ଧ靴ᠠi ᭰叫㺍痭ᡸ顴먲ନ魈 鸤�ଭ鶔 懲 랖ନ؈ 煮 ﭬz�ଭ鶔 삲W鸤 ᨼĊ 煮 섈W豈勤섫W豈́煮ﭬz 섪W섲Ẃ褐ﭔz ᇈMoveEof ƞƞ ꯍ�혐珂 劬盜蠊똉Ⴚ啑盜ᦤ叫㺍痭ᠠ靴i 侮褐 靴婢敌ଧ靴ᠠi 靴䢸Ş 䢸Ş ⌅痜Ѐ ꁠ๒⌅痜 Ѐ 䢸Ş쿹痮Љ 䕄Ż 顴蘿ॡ痮 |