Voxtalisib Analogue

Voxtalisib AnalogueCAS号: 1349796-36-6分子式: C31H29N5O6S分子量: 599.66描述纯度储存/保存方法别名外观可溶性/溶解性靶点In vitro(体外研究)In vivo(体内研究)


Voxtalisib Analogue is a dual inhibitor of mTOR/PI3K, mostly for p110γ with IC50 of 9 nM; also inhibits DNA-PK and mTOR. Phase 1/2.

Store at -20℃ for one year(Powder);Store at 2-4℃ for two weeks;Store at -20℃ for six months after dissolution.
PI3K-IN-1 ;SAR245409; XL-765;SAR 245409;SAR- 245409
DMSO :12 mg/mL (20.01 mM)
In vitro(体外研究)
XL765 is active against class I PI3K (IC50 = 39, 113, 9 and 43 nM for p110α, β, γ and δ, respectively). XL765 also inhibits DNA-PK (IC50 = 150 nM) and mTOR (IC50 = 157 nM) but not XL-147 which shows IC50 values of > 15 μM. XL765 treatment results in decreased cell viability in 13 PDA cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. XL765, a dual-target PI3K/mTOR inhibitor, inhibits cell growth and apoptosis in many more cell lines and at lower concentrations as compared to the PI3K-selective inhibitors XL147 and PIK90. The effect can be recapitulated by using combinations of single-targeted compounds. XL765 significantly reduces phosphorylation of the mTOR targets S6, S6K, and 4EBP1, which is associated with greater apoptosis induction rather than to PI3K inhibition alone. XL765 treatment causes accumulation of autophagosomes in MIAPaCa-2 cells, and results in significant dose-dependent AVO induction and LC3-II stimulation in MIAPaCa-2 cells stably expressing a LC3-GFP construct.
In vivo(体内研究)
The combination of XL765 (30 mg/kg) with chloroquine (50 mg/kg) results in significant inhibition of BxPC-3 xenograft growth in mice models, while XL765 alone at the same dose has no inhibitory effect. Oral administration of XL765 results in greater than 12-fold reduction in median tumor bioluminescence compared to control and improvement in median survival in nude mice implanted intracranially with GBM 39-luc cells. XL765 in combination with temozolomide (TMZ) yields a 140-fold reduction in median bioluminescence with a trend toward improvement in median survival compared with TMZ alone.


Voxtalisib Analogue