Org 20599CAS号: 187652-71-7分子式: C25H40ClNO3分子量: 438.04描述应用纯度储存/保存方法形态别名密度熔点沸点折射率光学活性IC50可溶性/溶解性PubChem CID
产品描述 | |
描述 |
Org 20599 is a positive allosteric modulator. Direct agonist of GABAA receptors at higher concentrations. Anesthetic steroid. Shown to induce hypnosis and lost of righting reflexes in mice.
应用 |
A positive allosteric modulator and agonist of GABA receptors
纯度 |
储存/保存方法 |
Store at room temperature
形态 |
基本信息 | |
别名 |
密度 |
1.17 g/cm3 (Predicted)
熔点 |
215.81° C (Predicted)
沸点 |
~544.3° C at 760 mmHg (Predicted)
折射率 |
n20D 1.55 (Predicted)
光学活性 |
α20/D +165.5°, c = 0.4 in chloroform
IC50 |
GABA receptors: EC5050 = 1.1 µM; glycine receptors: EC5050 = 22.9 µM
可溶性/溶解性 |
Soluble in 1eq. HCl (100 mM), and DMSO (100 mM).
PubChem CID |